Today's Fitness Ctr Hours7:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Family Swim

Have some fun family time at the CRWC Family Swim days this Winter. Each swimmer will be $5 and all swimmers under 16 will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Fine Arts Fair

Join us for our annual Fine Arts Fair! We hope to gather local artists to provide an opportunity for people to browse and shop. Music throughout the day, along with wine and cheese samplings from SIP.

Christmas Movie Night

Friday, December 13th! It is $10 for ages 3 and up. Ticket includes a choice of a slice of pizza, popcorn, cookie, and water. MUST pre-register before December 9th in person at the CRWC

Wiffle Ball Tournament

Double Elimination Wiffle Ball Tournament with a full day of live entertainment, beer garden, and food!

Easter Egg Hunt

The Crestwood Recreation and Wellness Center is happy to begin their annual Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt will take place at the Walker Park softball Fields located at 13900 Laramie in Crestwood beginning promptly at 10AM. Come into the CRWC to register by April 16th. Children will be divided up by age groups on separate fields for different levels of difficulty during the hunt.

Crestwood's Christmas Market with Santa

Join us for a day of holiday festivities including holiday themed merchants, letters to Santa, Decorating Christmas cookies, crafts, hot chocolate and visits with Santa and Mrs. Claus!

Trunk or Treat

A Halloween event where trick-or-treating is done from car to car in the CRWC parking lot. Trunks are opened and decorated with all sorts of fun themes. Treats will be handed out to the trick-or-treaters at each car.

Junk in the Trunk

It's a garage sale out of the trunk of your car! Sellers Needed - Public Welcome!